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How do you deliver an offer of employment?

The best way to deliver an offer of employment to a potential candidate depends on several factors, including the organization's culture, the candidate's preferences, and the level of formality desired. Here are some common methods used for delivering job offers:

A phone call is a personal and direct approach to delivering an offer. It allows for real-time conversation, clarification of details, and immediate feedback. It also provides an opportunity to gauge the candidate's level of enthusiasm and address any questions or concerns they may have.

Email offers are commonly used and provide a written record of the offer details. They offer a formal and professional approach, allowing the candidate time to review the offer at their convenience. Ensure that the email is well-crafted, clear, and includes all relevant information such as salary, benefits, start date, and any contingencies.

For senior or executive-level positions or when the candidate is already on-site for an interview, delivering the offer in person can be a powerful approach. It allows for face-to-face interaction, building a personal connection, and answering any immediate questions. It also provides an opportunity to celebrate the offer and convey enthusiasm directly.

If an in-person meeting is not feasible, conducting a video conference to deliver the offer can be an effective alternative. Video conferences allow for visual communication and a more personal touch than a simple phone call. Ensure that you have a stable internet connection and choose a platform that both parties are comfortable using.

Regardless of the method you choose, here are some general tips to keep in mind:

a. Clearly communicate the terms of the offer, including salary, benefits, work schedule, start date, and any conditions or contingencies. If you have a non-compete or non-solicitation requirement, bring it up in the offer versus presenting to a person on their first day of employment.

b. Convey your excitement about extending the offer and emphasize the positive attributes that led to the candidate's selection.

c. Allow the candidate a reasonable amount of time to review the offer and make an informed decision. Typically, 24 to 48 hours is a reasonable timeframe.

d. Be prepared to answer any questions or concerns the candidate may have promptly. Prompt communication demonstrates professionalism and a genuine interest in the candidate.

Regardless of the delivery method, it is good practice to follow up with a written offer letter or email that outlines the terms discussed during the offer conversation. This ensures clarity and provides a formal record of the agreement.

Given the employment environment today and the difficulty in getting qualified candidates, simply sending an email with an offer is the least desirable method of communication.

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